Supporting hardworking families is simple.
Your gift helps create lasting change in our community. We are so grateful for your commitment to helping us empower hardworking families to thrive.
What impact does your gift have?
- $50 pays for a family to access healthy, fresh produce every week
- $100 pays for new books for preschoolers
- $300 pays for swimming, soccer, or music lessons for one child
- $1,500 pays for $3,000 of fresh produce for ALICE families through the Healthy Savings Program
- $5,000 makes child care more affordable at a licensed-based center for 5 families
Gifts of stock can be a very powerful tool to manage your personal taxes and meet your philanthropic goals at the SAME time.
For most taxpayers any gift of stock that has been held for at least one year - defined as a 'long term' holding - can be written off at fair market value against income if donated to a qualified charity such as United Way of Coastal and Western Connecticut.
For more information, please contact Jennifer Smith at 203-297-6305.